Differences between Heat and Temperature

S.N. Heat Temperature
1. The total kinetic energy produced by the vibration of all the molecules in a substance is called its heat content. The average kinetic energy of all the molecules present in that substance is called its temperature.
2. It is a form of energy that gives the sensation of warmth. It is the degree of hotness or coldness of a body.
3. Heat is the cause for the change in temperature. Temperature is the effect of heat.
4. It is measured with the help of calorimeter. It is measured with the help of thermometer.
5. Heat energy as such will not determine the direction of heat flow. Temperature is the indication for the direction of flow of heat. Heat always flows from the region of high temperature to the region of low temperature.
6. Heat depends on the mass of the body. Temperature doesn’t depend on the mass of the body.
7. Its SI unit is Joule (J). Its SI unit is Kelvin (K).

Differences between Heat and Temperature