Differences between centipedes and millipedes

S.N. Centipedes Millipedes
1. The body is dorso-ventrally flat. The body is cylindrical.
2. The body is divided into two segments; head and trunk. The body is divided into three segments; head, thorax and abdomen. The split between thorax and abdomen, however, is not visually obvious.
3. All segments are single. Thoracic segments are single whereas the abdominal segments are double.
4. Antennae are long and tapering. Antennae are short and club shaped.
5. There are two pairs of maxillae. There is only one pair of maxillae.
6. Only one pair of legs are present per segment. One pair of legs per thoracic segment and two pairs of legs per abdominal segment are present.
7. No apodal (without legs) segment in the body. The first and a few last segments are apodal.
8. The legs arise laterally from each segment. Legs arise close to mid-ventral line.
9. The first pair of legs are modified into poison claws. First pair of legs are just like other legs without poison claws.
10. No stink glands are present and hence no foul smell. Stink glands are present.
11. They run swiftly and are carnivorous. They walk slowly and are herbivorous or saprozoic.
12. They may inflict a painful bite with the poison claws. They don’t harm animals but can damage tender plants.
13. They don’t roll into a spiral structure when disturbed. They roll into a spiral structure when disturbed.

e.g. Scolopendra

e.g. Julus

Differences between centipedes and millipedes