Differences between pharynx and larynx

S.N. Pharynx Larynx
1. It is located at the back of buccal cavity. It is located in the upper part of the neck.
2. It is about 12 cm long. It is much shorter.
3. The wall is lined with non-keratinized, stratified squamous epithelium. Its wall is lined with pseudo-stratified, ciliated columnar epithelium.
4. Its wall is not supported by cartilages. The wall is supported by cartilages held together by fibroblastic connective tissue.
5. It receives the opening of buccal cavity, internal nares, glottis and Eustachian tubes. Pharynx opens into larynx via glottis and larynx leads into the trachea.
6. Both food and air pass through it. Only air passes through it.
7. It is never closed. It is closed by epiglottis during deglutition or swallowing of food.
8. It doesn’t act as a sound box. It acts as a sound box or vocal cord.
9. It doesn’t show any enlargement after puberty. After puberty, it grows in size and becomes more prominent in males.

Differences between pharynx and larynx