Characteristic features of class Aves (the birds)
General features: Birds are cosmopolitan and found in all continents, seas and most islands. Their wide occurrence is due to their power of flight, which […]
General features: Birds are cosmopolitan and found in all continents, seas and most islands. Their wide occurrence is due to their power of flight, which […]
S.N. Metals Non-metals 1. Metals are usually solids at room temperature. {Exception: Mercury (Hg) and Gallium (Ga) are liquid metals}. Non-metals usually are solids or […]
S.N. Exocrine glands Endocrine glands 1. These glands have ducts. These glands lack ducts. 2. Chemical substance secreted by exocrine glands is called enzyme. They […]
S.N. Heat Temperature 1. The total kinetic energy produced by the vibration of all the molecules in a substance is called its heat content. The […]
S.N. Convex lens Concave lens 1. A lens which is thick (bulged) in the middle but thin (tapered) at the edges is called convex lens. […]
General features: They are commonly known as the creeping vertebrates. Reptiles were the first vertebrates fully adapted for life on land. Some live in water […]
Salient features: Phylum Arthropoda is the largest group of the animal kingdom, surpasses all others both in number and ecological diversity of organisms. They are […]
Habitat: They are commonly called spiny skinned animals. All are marine, generally live in sea bottom and are slowly moving animals. Some animals are pelagic […]
General features: They are commonly called soft bodied animals. They are mostly marine, few fresh water and also found in damp soil. It is the […]
Salient features of Annelids They are mostly aquatic and few are terrestrial forms. Most of them are free living and some are ectoparasites. The body […]
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