S.N. |
Frog |
Toad |
1. |
Frog lives in or near water resources. |
Toad lives in dark, shady place in grass or under stones and leaves. |
2. |
It is active by day (diurnal). |
It is active by night (nocturnal). |
3. |
They lay eggs in a mass or bunch. |
They lay eggs in a long chain like fashion. |
4. |
Skin in moist, smooth and slimy. |
Skin is dry, rough and warty. |
5. |
Skin also helps in respiration (respiratory). |
Skin doesn’t help in respiration (non-respiratory) |
6. |
Skin contains numerous mucous glands. |
Skin contains numerous poison glands and few mucous glands. |
7. |
Body is olive-brown with irregular dark patches. |
Body is ash-grey in color. |
8. |
Head is triangular. |
Head is circular. |
9. |
There are no parotid glands. |
There are two parotid glands behind the tympanum. |
10. |
The legs are longer with digits containing well developed webs. |
The legs are shorter and the webs are rudimentary (reduced). |
11. |
The feet are adapted for leaping and swimming. |
The feet are adapted for walking. |
12. |
Frogs have vomerine teeth in the upper jaw. |
Toads don’t have teeth. |