Differences between Photosynthesis and Respiration

S.N. Photosynthesis Respiration
1. It is an  anabolic process in which simple inorganic substances react to synthesize complex organic food. It is a catabolic process in which complex organic foods are oxidized or broken down into simpler inorganic forms.
2. Carbon dioxide is absorbed. Carbon dioxide is released.
3. Oxygen is evolved. Oxygen is absorbed or used.
4. It occurs in the presence of light. Light is not essential for this process as it occurs day and night.
5. It occurs only in green plants. i.e. presence of chlorophyll is necessary for this process. It takes place in all plants and animals. The presence of chlorophyll is not necessary.
6. Carbon dioxide and water are used as raw materials. Glucose and oxygen are used as raw materials.
7. It is an endothermic process as energy is stored during this process. It is an exothermic process, because energy is released during this process.
8. In this process, food is accumulated and dry weight of the plant is increased. Weight of the plant is decreased due to the oxidation of food.
9. It occurs in chloroplast. It occurs in mitochondria.
10. The end products are glucose and oxygen. The end products are carbon dioxide and water.
11. In this process, radiant energy (light energy) is converted into chemical or potential energy. In this process, chemical or potential energy is converted into  other forms like muscular energy, kinetic energy etc.
12. During this process, one glucose molecule is synthesized and 18 ATP molecules are utilized. During this process, one glucose molecule is oxidized and 38 ATP molecules are formed.

Differences between Photosynthesis and Respiration