Differences between Nerve cells and Glial cells

Image Credit: https://www.quora.com/What-are-the-main-differences-between-Neurones-and-Neuroglias
S.N. Nerve cells Glial cells
1. They are neuronal cells and are also called neurons. They are non-neuronal cells and are also called neuroglia.
2. They have relatively small cell body and long processes. They have a relatively large cell body and short processes.
3. The processes arise from the two opposite ends of the cell body. The processes arise from nearly all over the cell body.
4. There are two types of processes; short dendrites and a long axon. The processes are all alike with no differences.
5. Neurons occur end-to-end in chains. Glial cells are aggregated in masses.
6. They produce and conduct nerve impulses. They don’t conduct nerve impulse but maintain homeostasis, form myelin sheath and provide support and protection for neurons. Some glial cells (microglia cells) are phagocytic.
7. All neurons arise from the ectoderm. Most glial cells arise from the ectoderm; microglia cells arise from the monocytes.
8. They form synapses between neurons for the conduction of nerve impulse. They don’t form synapses.

Differences between Nerve cells and Glial cells