Differences between Gram positive and Gram negative bacteria

S.N Gram positive bacteria Gram negative bacteria
1. They retain the color of crystal violet and stain dark blue or purple. They take the color of counter stain (Safranine or Fuschine) and stain red or pink in color.
2. They resist decolorization with absolute alcohol and water during Gram staining. They are decolorized when washed with absolute alcohol and acetone during Gram staining.
3. Teichoic acid is present in many bacteria. Teichoic acid is absent.
4. Cell Wall is 20-30 nm thick. Cell Wall is 8-12 nm thick
5. The peptidoglycan layer is thick (>50%) with multiple layers. The peptidoglycan layer is thin (10-205%) having a single layer.
6. Outer lipopolysaccharide wall layer is absent. Outer lipopolysaccharide wall layer is present (13%).
7. Cell wall is very rigid and less elastic. Cell wall is less rigid and more elastic.
8. Outer membrane is absent. Outer membrane is present.
9. Lipid and lipoprotein content is low. Lipid and lipoprotein content is high due to presence of outer membrane.
10. Periplasmic space is absent. Periplasmic space is present.
11. Porins are absent. Porins are present in the outer membrane.
12. s- layer is attached to the peptidoglycan layer. s- layer is attached to the outer membrane.
13. Mesosomes are more prominent. Mesosomes are less prominent.
14. They produce endospores during unfavourable condition. They do not produce endospores  usually.
15. They usually produce exotoxins. They produce both exotoxins and endotoxins.
16. They show high tolerance towards dryness. They show less tolerance towards dryness.
17. Muramic acid content of cell wall is more in these group (16-20% of dry weight). Muramic acid content of cell wall is less (2-5% of dry weight).
18. There are 2 rings in the basal body of the flagellum, There are 4 rings in the basal body of the flagellum.

                        Gram reaction

                         Gram reaction