Differences between axon and dendrites




1. There is generally one axon per neuron. They are usually many in number in a neuron.
2. It arises from a conical projection, the axon hillock, from the discharging end of neuron. They arise from the receiving surface of the neuron.
3. They are longer (may be several meters) but have uniform diameter (0.25-over 10µm). They are short (generally under 1.5 mm) and  tapering.
4. They are branched in the distal end only. They are much branched, practically all along the length.
5. Their terminal branches are enlarged to form synaptic knobs at the tips called end bulbs. There are no knobs at the tip of the branches.
6. They have neurotransmitter-containing vesicles in the knobs. They don’t have any such vesicles at the tip.
7. They lack Nissl’s granules but contain neurofibrils all over them. They contain both neurofibrils and Nissl’s granules.
8. They conduct nerve impulse away from the cyton. They conduct impulse towards the cyton.

Differences between axon and dendrites