Differences between arteries and veins

S.N. Arteries Veins
1. Arteries carry blood away from the heart and distribute to different body parts.


Veins bring blood from different body parts back to the heart.
2. All arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary arteries. All veins except pulmonary veins carry deoxygenated blood.
3. The flow of blood is intermittent and fast due to the pumping action of the heart. The flow of the blood is slow and steady.
4. The blood in arteries has considerable pressure. The blood in veins has lower pressure.
5. They have thick elastic walls and narrow lumen. They have thinner, scarcely elastic walls and wide lumen.
6. They are deeply seated. They are superficial or surfacely located.
7. They have no valves in them. They have muscular flaps called valves to prevent the back flow of blood and  to counteract gravity.
8. They become empty after the death of the animal. They contain blood even after the death of the animal.
9. Tunica media is thick, having more muscle fibers and elastic fibers. Tunica media is thin, having fewer muscle fibers and elastic fibers.
10. In tunica interna, elastic membrane is thick and endothelial cells are more elongated. In tunica interna, elastic membrane is thin and endothelial cells are less elongated.

Differences between arteries and veins