Differences between Male and Female Ascaris

S.N. Male Ascaris Female Ascaris
1. Body is about 15-30 cm long. They are longer (20-40 cm) than males.
2. Their body is narrower. Their body is wider.
3. The posterior end of the body is slightly tapering. The posterior end is blunt.
4. The posterior end is curved downward or hooked. The posterior end is straight.
5. Anus is an outlet for digestive and genital tracts, hence called cloacal aperture. Anus is an outlet for digestive tract only.
6. Genital tract joins the rectum, forming a common chamber, the cloaca. Genital tract doesn’t join the rectum, hence there is no cloaca.
7. There is no separate genital aperture. There is a separate mid-ventral genital aperture of vulva at about one third of the body from the anterior end.
8. Two penial spicules or penial setae project from the cloacal aperture. Penial spicules or penial setae are absent.
9. A cushion-like prominence occurs just in front of the cloacal aperture. No such prominence occurs in front of anus.
10. There are pre-anal and post-anal papillae in front and behind the cloacal aperture. There are no such papillae.
11. During copulation, the male coils itself around the female. During copulation, the female remains straight without coiling.
12. Reproductive organ is represented by a single straight tube. Reproductive organs are represented by two tubes present in a Y-shaped structure.

Also see: General characteristics of phylum Aschelminthes (Nemathelminthes)

Differences between Male and Female Ascaris