A. Knowledge Type Questions:
- What is meant by freefall?
- What is the value of ‘g’ on: i) the surface of the moon ii) the equator of the earth?
- Write any two factors: i) that affect gravity ii) on which gravitational force depend.
- What is weightlessness?
- State Newton’s law of gravitation.
- What is upthrust?
- State: i) Archimedes’ principle ii) Pascal’s Law.
- Under what condition does an object having higher density than water float on it?
- Name any two equipment based on law of floatation.
- What are the two main causes of energy crisis?
- Give two examples of secondary sources of energy.
- Define: i) alternative energy source ii) energy saving
iii) nuclear fission reaction iv) nuclear fusion reaction.
- What are the boiling point and freezing point of mercury?
- Write heat equation.
- Name the instrument based on expansion due to heat.
- State the principle on which thermometer works.
- What is thermometric liquid?
- Mention any two factors that affect the amount of heat.
- What is meant by the specific heat capacity of iron is 470J/KgK?
- What is the relation between joule and kilocalorie?
- Define one diopter.
- The magnification of an object is more than one. What does this mean?
- What is the point of reference for the accommodation of human eye?
- What is used to laminate the core of the transformer? Why is lamination done on the core of transformer?
- Define electromagnetic induction.
- What is meant by magnetic flux?
- What is motor effect?
- Define Eddy current.
- What is meant by p-block element? Give an example of it.
- What is catalyst?
- What are reactants?
- Define promoter.
- What is neutralization reaction?
- What is decomposition reaction?
- Give an example of: i) neutralization reaction ii) endothermic reaction
- Why is H2SO4 called an acid?
- Define salt.
- Is NaCl acidic salt? Why?
- What is liquor ammonia?
- Which metal can be extracted from the ores feldspar and haematite?
- Write the names of any two ores of: i) copper ii) aluminium
- Which metal has the least specific gravity?
- Clarify alkyl radical/ group.
- Clarify homologous series.
- What is carbamate?
- Give two examples of organochlorine insectides.
- What is the full form of BHC, RCC?
- What is slurry?
- Write the scientific name of eri silkworm.
- What is nuptial flight?
- Define royal jelly.
- What is: a) Chrysalis b) cocoon
- What are fed to the larva by the honeybees?
- What is ganglion?
- Mention one important function of i) cerebellum ii) medulla oblongata
- What is peripheral nervous system?
- Write the name of the valve found between the right auricle and right ventricle.
- Write the name of the valve found between the left auricle and left ventricle.
- What is hyperuricemia?
- Mention two ways of maintaining the level of uric acid in the blood.
- Name the device used to measure the blood pressure of human body.
- Define systolic blood pressure.
- What is the normal blood pressure of a healthy adult person?
- Define karyotype.
- What is Down’s syndrome?
- What are the chromosomal group found in maximum number in a human cell? What is their function?
- Define phenotype.
- Write the phenotype ratio of monohybrid cross till F2 generation by Mendel.
- What is recessive character?
- State Mendel’s law of dominance.
- Name any two organisms that reproduce by budding.
- What is callus?
- What is the function of auxin?
- Which type of layering is done in raspberry and blackberry?
- Which hormones are responsible for maintaining the level of sugar in blood?
- Define pollutant.
- Define environmental pollution.
- Mention two sources of noise pollution.
- Write any two causes of air pollution.
- Write any two effects of water pollution.
- Write any two adverse effects of industrial gas.
- Define solar wind.
- Which layer of atmosphere is responsible for weather change?
- How does acid rain affect?
- What is estimated age of earth?
- Which era is called era of creepers? Why?
- Which era is also called recent era? Why?
Understanding Type Questions:
- State any two differences between acceleration due to gravity and universal gravitational constant.
- State any two differences between acceleration due to gravity and gravity.
- It’s easy to raise 1Kg mass than 2kg mass on the earth’s surface? Why?
- Tides occur in ocean but not in a pond. Why?
- Weight of a body decreases in coal mine. Why?
- We need less force to lift an object at the equator than at the poles of the earth. Justify this statement giving reason.
- Night in desert is very cold and day is very hot, why?
- Water is used in hot water bag, why?
- If specific heat capacity of substance A is half of substance B, which should have higher temperature, if both are heated equally by 4200J and why?
- Why is constriction made near to bulb in a clinical thermometer?
- More preference is given to development of alternative source of energy in the world, why? Write any two reasons.
- Hydropower is an alternative source of energy. Why? Write any two reasons.
- How is sun providing solar energy continuously? Clarify with equations.
- Write any two evidences that prove nuclear fusion is the source of solar energy.
- Why is the sun regarded as the ultimate source of energy? Explain.
- Why should energy be conserved? Mention any two steps you would take to conserve energy.
- Clarify the cause of being the power of convex lens is positive and that of concave lens is negative.
- Clarify the cause of being the focal length of convex lens is positive and that of concave lens is negative.
- Reema uses the spectacle of – 1.25D. What type of lens does she use? What type of defect does she suffer from? What is the unit of power of lens?
- Write any two differences between myopia and hypermetropia.
- A stone when weighed inside water shows 10N in spring balance and 2N of water is displaced by the stone.
i) What is the weight of the stone in air?
ii) How much upthrust is exerted on the stone?
22. Write any two differences between:
i) an electric generator and an electric motor
ii) step-up and step-down transformers.
iii) filament lamp and fluorescent lamp.
- The number of turns in primary coil and secondary coil of a transformer are never made equal, why?
- Give the electronic configuration of phosphorus in terms of subshell. Determine its block and period based on your electronic configuration.
- Which is more reactive in between i) O and F? Why? Ii) Na and Mg? Why?
- Name two chemicals that can be +ve and –ve catalyst for the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide.
- Write any two differences between organic acids and mineral acids.
- Write any two differences between acid and base.
- How does neutralization reaction help in the remedy of our digestion disorder? Clarify.
- Which type of chemical reaction helps in the removal of acidity of soil?
- Is sodium bicarbonate acidic, basic or neutral salt? Answer with reason.
- Why is lime tower used in preparation of dry ammonia gas? Explain with balanced chemical equation.
- Explain how CO2 is released from fire extinguisher with a balanced chemical equation?
- Silver and gold are used for making coins but not iron, why?
- Mention any two properties of iron, which is applied to make cooking utensils from it.
- Mention any two properties of aluminium, which is applied to make aircrafts from it.
- By which two properties of gold is it used to make ornament? Write two points.
- Give two such properties of metal by which wire is made from it.
- Arrange the following metal in the order of decreasing chemical reactivity: Gold, silver, iron, aluminium and copper.
- The reaction between zinc and copper sulphate solution is a displacement reaction. Justify this statement with a balanced chemical equation.
- Write the balanced chemical equation of the chemical reaction between chlorine gas and potassium iodide. What type of reaction is it?
- Show the balanced formula equation for the chemical reaction that takes place by keeping magnesium pieces in nitric acid and also mention the type of chemical reaction.
- Show the balanced formula equation for the chemical reaction that takes place by keeping magnesium pieces in nitric acid and also mention the type of chemical reaction.
- The parts of aeroplane are made up of aluminium but not of iron, why?
- Na is kept in wax or kerosene, why?
- A series of homologous alkane is given below:
Name the functional group involved and the compounds.
- Sketch molecular structure of isobutene and propyne.
- Sketch molecular structure of ethylene glycol and propane.
- Is ethylene saturated or unsaturated? Name the compound formed by the reaction of above compound with sufficient hydrogen. Also write one use of that compound.
- Write two differences between soft glass and hard glass.
- Distinguish between natural and artificial fibre.
- Detergents are called soapless soap, why?
- Glass is called a supercooled liquid, why? Describe about the manufacture of cement.
- Write any two differences between queen bee, drone and worker bee.
- Write any two features of larva stage of silkworm.
- Which glands secrete hormones and why hormones are called chemical messengers?
- Which gland is called double (mixed) gland and why?
- Draw a well- labelled diagram of neuron.
- Blood is drawn from vein but not from artery during blood donation, why?
OR, Bleeding from artery is more dangerous than that from veins. Expalin.
- Blood of a person living in high mountains contain more red blood cells than the blood of a person living in Terai, why?
- A person with low level of haemoglobin feels tired soon while working. Clarify the reason.
- Write any two differences between leucocytes and thrombocytes on the basis of function.
- Write any two differences between artery and vein on the basis of function and thickness of the wall.
- What is double fertilization?
- Write any two differences between self-pollination and cross-pollination.
- Write any two differences between ovum and sperm.
- How many chromosomes are in the ovum and zygote, why?
- What kind of plants are propagated by grafting, layering and tissue culture?
- What is Turner’s syndrome? Write any two symptoms of Turner’s syndrome.
- What is Down’s syndrome? Write any two symptoms of Down’s syndrome.
- Write the causes of occurring Turner’s syndrome and Klinefelter’s syndrome.
- Sketch a chart to show that father’s chromosome is more responsible than the mother’s chromosome for the birth of son or daughter.
- Though Mendel chose pea plant for his experiment, why do you think there is difficulty on choosing human for Mendel’s experiment? Give two reasons.
- Write two effects of global warming.
- Write any two methods of conservation of water.
- Write any two methods of conservation of forest.
- Write any two adverse effects of air pollution on human health.
- How are ozone layers formed? Write one reason for its depletion.
- Mention the name of the lowest and the highest quality of coal.
- Mention any two methods of identification of fossils.
- Give two reasons for launching artificial satellites.
- Identify the following masses as planet, satellite, asteroid, comet or galaxy.
i) Enke ii) Ceres iii) Titan iv) Uranus
83. Write any two differences between galaxy and constellation.
84. Write any differences between meteors and meteorites.
85. Explain the importance of fossils.
86. In atmosphere, which layer is also called the protective sphere? Clarify your answer giving reason.
Application Type Questions:
- What is meant by weightlessness due to freefall? Prove : g α 1/R2
- Write the amount of the Gravitational force produced in between these objects, if they are placed at ‘d’ distance and having mass m1 and m2. If the masses are doubled, what will be the amount of Gravitational force produced? Compare the amount of gravitational force produced in both the condition and write the conclusion statement.
- A body weigh 63N on the surface of the earth. What is the its weight at the height of 3200Km from the surface of the earth?(Radius of the earth= 6400km)
- A piece of matter of volume 0.4m3 and density 800kg/m3 is kept in water. Then what part of it will be inside water? Also find the mass of displaced water.
Medium |
Weight of substance in the medium |
X |
10N |
Y |
16N |
Z |
12N |
i) Which might be water, air and salt solution?
ii) If the weight of 1 kg mass in air is 9.8N, then what will be the mass of the stone in salt solution and water?
iii) Find the upthrust experienced by the stone in salty water.
6. Describe the working method of air pump with a neat labelled diagram.
7. Show downstroke and upstoke of water pump by a neat and labeled diagram.
8. Derive/ Prove heat equation.
9. An object is placed 30cm in front of a convex lens of focal length 20cm. Draw the ray diagram and calculate magnification of the image formed with the help of the diagram.
10. 5 CFLs of 7W each are lit for 4 hours and an electric heater of 1500W is used for 30 minutes everyday in a house. Calculate the total cost of electricity for a week if Rs 11 is charged per unit of electricity consumed.
11. In a building, 15 LED lamps of 40 W and 10 fans of 25 W each used 6 hrs daily for 20 days, 2heaters of 1000W each used 1 hr daily for 15 days. If 30 rupees have to be paid for the use of 500watt heater for four hours, how much electric bill should be paid for the use of the above mentioned electrical appliances?
12. In a step down transformer, input voltage is 5000N and output voltage is 250 V.
i) On which principle does it work?
ii) If input coiling is 1500 turns, calculate its output coiling.
13. The elements A, B, C are given as having atomic numbers 3, 9, 19 respectively. Answer the following questions:
i) Show the electronic configuration of element C on the basis of sub-shell.
ii) Which block and period, group does element B lie on?
iii) Which one is more reactive between A and C, why?
2 | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
3 | Na | Mg | Al | Si | P | S | Cl | Ar |
i) Which metal has valency 3 among above?
ii) Which element is more active between O and S? Why?
iii) What change in atomic size is found when we move from sodium to rightward and what effect does it cause on the reactivity of elements?
15. Why is gold called a noble metal? Mention two chief ores and any two uses of copper.
16. A compound gives hydrogen and nitrate ion in solution state.
i) Write the name and molecular formula of the compound.
ii) In which colour methyl orange change when it is treated with above compound?
iii) Write one use of this compound.
- Ammonia gas can be prepared in the lab by heating two solid substances together.
i) Name the two solid substance used in it.
ii) By which method is this gas collected in the gas jar and why?
iii) How does the gas become dry when it is passed through lime tower?
18. Sketch a neat diagram of the apparatus set for the preparation of carbon dioxide in lab and label the chemicals used in this process.
19. What happens when the carbon dioxide gas is allowed to pass through lime water for the short period of time and the process is continued for long period of time? Explain with a balanced chemical equation.
20. Sketch a neat diagram of the apparatus set for the preparation of pungent smelling gas in lab and label the chemicals used in this process.
21. What happens in the following conditions? Explain with a balanced chemical equation.
i) When ammonium suphate is heated with sodium hydroxide.
ii) When ammonia reacts with carbon dioxide at 15000
iii) When CO2 is passed for short time and long time in lime water.
- There is high probability for Nepal to be self-dependent on cement manufacture, why?
- Describe about the manufacture of cement. Write any two uses of cement.
- Describe about the manufacture of ceramics.
- Write the IUPAC name, condensed formula and structural formula of the compound formed by the displacement of three hydrogen atoms of propane with three hydroxyl radicals. Also write two uses of the compound thus formed.
- Give an example each of N-based fertilizer, P-based fertilizer and K-based fertilizer along with their importance to the plants respectively.
- Define instar. In which stage of the silkworm, silk thread are harvested? Which stage of silkworm is more active and what does the adult silkworm moth feeds on? Write one advantage of apiculture.
- Draw a well labeled diagram of the lifecycle of silkworm. Write in short about the fifth instar of silkworm.
- Draw a well labeled diagram of the lifecycle of honeybee. Write in short about the worker bees.
- Define capillaries. Why is it taken as functional blood vessel?
- Show the result of the cross between a black mouse (BB) and a white mouse (bb) on the basis of Mendelism upto the second filial generation and also write the genotypic and phenotypic ratio.
- State Mendel’s law of purity of gametes and show its example by a chart.
- State Mendel’s law of dominance and show its example by a chart.
- Both parents have brown eyes but the son has blue eyes. Is having blue eyes a dominant character or a recessive character? Explain with the help of a filial chart.
- What is vegetative propagation? How is it beneficial for farmers? Write with two reasons.
- How is grafting done by cleft method? Describe with suitable diagram.
- How is saddle grafting done? Describe with suitable diagram.
- What is meant by environmental pollution? Environmental pollution would not occur if there were no existence of human beings on the earth, how?
Higher Ability Type Questions:
- An elderly man has problem in reading newspaper. What type of defect of vision is he suffering from? State its causes. How can it be corrected? Draw a figure for the correction of this defect of this defect of vision.
- Sila has difficulty to read the thing written in the blackboard? What type of defect of vision is she suffering from? State its causes. How can it be corrected? Draw a figure for the correction of this defect of this defect of vision.
- Write the applications of transformer and dynamo. Write two ways to increase can the strength of dynamo. What happens when number of primary turns are more than secondary turns in transformer.
- What happens when one hydrogen atom of each carbon atom of third member of alkane s replaced by hydroxyl group? Show your answer with chemical equation. Also, write any two uses of thus formed compound and the alkane which is used in the process.
- A: 1s2,2s22p6,3s23p3 B: 1s2,2s22p5
C: 1s2, 2s22p6, 3s23p1 D: 1s2, 2s22p6
i) Which metal has valency 3 among above and how?
ii) Which element is more active between A or B? Why?
iii) In which period and block element D is kept in the modern periodic table? Why?
Elements |
Electronic configuration |
N |
1s2,2s22p6,3s23p5 |
O |
1s2,2s22p6,3s23p6,4s1 |
P |
1s2,2s22p6 |
Q |
1s2,2s22p4 |
R |
1s2,2s22p6,3s1 |
i) Which element is more reactive between O and R? Expain.
ii) To which block, group and period does the element N belong?
iii) Write down the name and molecular formula of the compound formed by the combination of the elements O and Q.
7. What happens when one hydrogen atom of second member of alkane is replaced by hydroxyl group? Show your answer with chemical equation. Also, write any two uses of thus formed compound and the alkane which is used in the process.
8. Sketch a neat diagram of neuron and label the parts which carry impulses to the cell body or cyton and away from the cyton. Give an example showing interrelation between nervous system and glandular system.
9. Sketch a neat diagram of central nervous system and label the parts which conduct reflex action. How does pituitary gland control other glands?
10. Draw a neat and labeled diagram showing the internal structure of human heart and write down the functions of any two valves.
11. What is sexual reproduction? Explain the process of sexual reproduction in animals with help of a chart.
12. What is fertilization? Explain the process of fertilization in angiosperms with help of a well-labelled diagram.
13. On the basis of the position of the centromere, how many types of chromosomes are there? Explain with the help of diagram of each.
14. How do chlorofluorocarbons cause ozone layer depletion? Clarify with balanced chemical equation. What may the two causes that causes that some comets are not seen again forever?
15. Proper implementation of Kyoto protocol would help to cope the global warming, how? Clarify the cause for keeping Pluto in the group of Dwarf planets.
16. List any four efforts taken in international level for adaptation and climate change. Explain any two of those efforts in short.
17. Define meteorites. Mention types of meteors. What are comets? Why are artificial satellites launched from Earth? Mention any 3 purposes.
Compiled by: Sulaksha P. Shrestha