Animal cell |
Plant cell
1. |
It is enclosed by a thin, flexible, living plasma membrane only. |
It is enclosed by a thick, dead cell wall in addition to plasma membrane. |
2. |
It has many small temporary vacuoles. |
It has a large permanent central sap vacuole. |
3. |
Its nucleus is generally near the center. |
Its nucleus is often pushed to one side in the peripheral cytoplasm by the sap vacuole. |
4. |
Centrosome is present practically in all the animal cells. |
Centrosome occurs only in motile cells of lower plants. |
5. |
Plastids are absent, so they lack chlorophyll. |
Plastids are usually present. |
6. |
Mitochondria are generally numerous. |
Mitochondria are usually fewer. |
7. |
Cristae of mitochondria are plate-like. |
Cristae of mitochondria are tubular. |
8. |
Intermediate fibers are often present, forming a part of cytoskeleton. |
Intermediate fibers are lacking. |
9. |
Contractile vacuole may be present to pump out excess water. |
There is no contractile vacuole. |
10. |
Animal cells may change form and move about. |
Cell wall prevents change in form and position of plant cells. |
11. |
Animal cells cannot synthesize all the amino acids, coenzymes and vitamins. |
Plant cells can synthesize all the amino acids, coenzymes and vitamins. |
12. |
Tissue fluid containing NaCl bathes the animal cells. |
NaCl is toxic to plant cells; hence, tissue fluid doesn’t bathe the cells. |
13. |
Animal cells are generally much smaller than 100µm. |
Plant cells are generally well over 100µm long. |
14. |
Glyoxysomes are lacking. |
Glyoxysomes are present. |
15. |
Spindle formed during cell division is amphiastral, i.e. has an aster at each pole. |
Spindle formed during cell division is anastral, i.e. without asters at the edges. |
16. |
Cytoplasm always divides by furrowing. |
Cytoplasm usually divides by cell plate method. |
17. |
Stores carbohydrate as glycogen. |
Stores carbohydrates as starch. |
18. |
Tight junctions and desmosomes are present between cells. |
Tight junctions and desmosomes are lacking. |
19. |
Rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER) is abundant. |
RER is sparse. |
20. |
Chromosomes are relatively small. |
Chromosomes are relatively large. |
21. |
Cyclic nucleotides are present. |
Cyclic nucleotides are lacking. |
22. |
Golgi complex consists of more (10-20) cisternae. |
Golgi complex comprises fewer (3-7) cisternae. |
23. |
If placed in hypotonic solution, animal cells swell up and burst due to lack of cell wall. |
If placed in hypotonic solution, plant cells do not swell up or burst due to the presence of cell wall. |
24. |
Practically, all animal cells contain lysosomes. |
Lysosomes are less prevalent in plant cells. |
25. |