Differences between Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla

S.N. Adrenal cortex Adrenal medulla
1. It is the external firm region of the adrenal gland. It is the central soft region of the adrenal gland.
2. It is pale yellowish-pink in color. It is dark reddish brown in color.
3. It is enclosed by a fibrous capsule. It is not enclosed by a fibrous capsule.
4. It comprises about 75-80% of the adrenal gland. It forms about 20-25% of the adrenal gland.
5. It develops from the mesoderm. It develops from the ectoderm (neural crests).
6. It consists of 3 concentric regions: outer zona glomerulosa, middle zona fasciculata and inner zona reticularis. It is not differentiated into any regions.
7. It is essential for life and its destruction causes death. It’s destruction doesn’t cause death as it is not essential for life.
8. It secretes 3 groups of hormones: mineralocorticoids, glucocorticoids and sex corticoids. It secretes 2 similar hormones: adrenaline (epinephrine) and nor adrenaline (nor epinephrine).
9. It is stimulated to release its hormones by the adreno-corticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the anterior pituitary. It is stimulated to secrete its hormones by the nerve impulses reaching via sympathetic nerve fibers.
10. The over/under production of hormones from adrenal cortex causes many disorders like Cushing’s disease, Addison’s disease etc. It is not yet known to cause any disorder from the over/under production of hormones from adrenal medulla.

Differences between Adrenal Cortex and Adrenal Medulla